Pulchra Mortuus

Ahzrukhal Delarus
<Insignificant Other>
"A bitter taste sits in my mouth, that of coagulated iron and malice. It makes my tongue recoil in disgust, my body shaking with every drop.It is my treatment, it is my medicine. My existence demands it, as loathesome as it may be."
-- Mature Themes and descriptions of gore ahead--
esurientem oculos
An Uneasy glow beneath red lenses
Before you stands a tall woman, about six fulms and five ilms. She has a slim-fit build and lanky limbs. Flecks of dried blood stain her greasy hair, her eyebrows knitted together in an indignant looking expression.At the sight of you, her nose wriggles a fraction, the nostrils flarring as beneath the two round red lenses, her hungry eyes pick you apart piece by piece, bit by bit. Even though her eyes are obscured, her lingering stare makes you feel tired and unwell.Beneath her sunglasses, a swirling mass of crimson sits in her eye sockets, with black dots at the center, surrounded by ever shifting consecrating lines and esoteric symbols.Her upper lip shifts, fangs on show. The left side of her face is marred with an unpleasant scar - absent flesh unable to cover a portion of her mouth allowing sharp, bloodstained fangs to peek out, as well as most of her other teeth. It makes it impossible to tell if she is grinning at you, or frowning at you, or simply giving you a look of utter indifference.Her right arm is decorated with burns and marks. Some of them look like patterns, symbols, esoteric markings that make little sense. Others look like tides remnants from the tides of battle. Bitter memories carved into borrowed skin.The left arm is wrapped tightly in beige bandages, soaked through with aged blood. The knuckles bulge out with spikes and the fingers end with sharp dagger like claws. The entire limb is an odd shape, slightly longer with silhouettes resembling carapace.She smells like flowers, lavender in particular.
lugent iacturams
Bedfellows with the Thirteenth
Ahzrukhal is a hyuran ashkin, twisted and touched by the void as the result of a pact. In the distant past, they served under the bloodied chain under a different title. A title she believes to be best left to the past, as what leads down that trail is bitter memories and abstract misery.Her long life of service was ended for betrayal, and the reward for a lifetime of service is another lifetime of service. At the bitter end, when the curtains fell with the blade across her throat, a new ally, Chancer, brought her back with new flesh and old promises.Adjusting to undeath was difficult, adjusting to new flesh was even harder, but she made do and lived for some time without even remembering the pact she signed during her frantic escape. The pact came with a debt, ripened anima, awaiting harvest.And so, did she find her neck pressed against cold steel once more. Thus, her pact was renegotiated and willpower granted the woman the upper hand this time. The ink, written in a corrosive ichor. The second pact was laden with loops and holes, the advantage was given to the soldier, and thus did she gain control over the voidsent that made her pact.With this, their souls were entangled, effectively becoming one. And Ahzrukhal walks the star with the same hunger that plagued Chancer. The voracious drive for aether.
lingua contra sanguinem
The name has history
Known from the present:
There's a slim chance the name Ahzrukhal may be familiar to you. While she oft keeps to herself, and avoids making a name, others are insistent on recording her actions to the obscure annals of history. Once, she was a mercenary of little renoun and most of her history comes from recent events.Be it the somewhat unwilling vassal to Duchess Leonwald of Dalmasca, or the 'contingency plan' of Qualia Mori, an organization specializing in hunting and freeing Ashkin from undeath.
Known from the past:
[Requisite]: Imperial HistoryThere was another Ahzrukhal, a while ago - an Ahzrukhal Van Tirus. The man died a fools death, and was of little importance for a Legatus. Having aided in the capture of Ala Mhigo, fighting against Ilsabard's rich tribal history and other justifibly thankless jobs.They were an old fool, who deserved everything that happened to them. Ahzrukhal Delarus only shares a forename, in her eyes. Bringing it up only gains you bitter stares and distrust. She is painfully aware of Old Van Tirus and does not like it.The name Ahzrukhal is nothing but a forgotten name in the annals of Garlean History, more commonly seen as an insult, than an identity.
It was an unfortunate night, you swear you could see something skulking about the woods, or the plains, or the fields... a figure toting a great gunblade, feasting upon a fresh corpse. Claws digging into skin, ripping through armor, choking on the iron in their blood.The moon broke through the clouds, shining light unto you. And then, the figure glared in your direction. With piercing red eyes. It returned to it's meal, ripping bones, biting sinew and licking marrow.Her eyes reawaken that... unfortunate memory, and suddenly the room feels very, very small.
Special Senses:
[Requisite]: Aether Sight or a Touch of the VoidThe very moment she entered the scene a distant terror filled the back of your mind, the amygdala twisting in disgust as your senses told you everything you needed to know.Spectral sight sees little strings embedded into her hands, her feet, barely percievable pulling her around. The cords danced around something above, that something moved around frequently, flittering between actors, figures, fools. She was a puppet.Void touched blood could smell it, the taste in her mouth, on her breath, the blackblood tinge to her soul made manifest. She was like you, maybe. It was hard to tell, but it made you feel sad. That twisted thing.
vi et sociis
Despite being a social luddite, the woman keeps track of a few noteworthy individuals. Be them allies or enemies, rivals or lovers - there's often overlap.<WIP, to be filled>
mens post dolorem
Hi!My name is Iris, but Ahz will do just fine. Thank you for checking out my carrd!Ahzrukhal is a difficult person to interact with, she's unkind, uncharitable and generally very offputting. But be completely aware that anything said ICly does not reflect my opinions or thoughts OOCly.There's a fair chance she won't take much interest in your character, or story, but that doesn't mean i'm not interested! Drag her along, even if she say she doesn't want to, or isn't interested. Give this freakish introvert the push she needs to experience storytelling!It will most often be an uphill battle with her, but persevere, and she will regard you warmly. Romance is an option, but I do not see why you would. (unless you're a freak like yours truly) Just because it is an option, doesn't mean it'll be easy, though!For now I have nothing else to put here, please don't be a dick, I look forward to meeting you ICly!